Painting and modeling
During the year I've completed many armies for Bot Action and still keep on starting new. During first months of the year I completed quite large troop ofUS Marines and some months later US Armored infantry with sizable amount of tanks as they are armored infantry. During spring months I painted also Blitzkrieg Germans with some tanks and later on motorcycle squad. During early summer it was time to move to Continuation war Finns.
Along that project I modeled themed gaming and demonstration table based on Portinhoikka crossroads, famous historical battle scene during Tali-Ihantala fight. I put some dedication to that project and it ended up to be featured on Warlord web site. I'm happy! And also I started armies for Russian both summer and winter. But these projects still wait to be completed.
Crusades came and went
Early year 2015 saw also brief venture on Crusades era miniatures as I painted an army of St John and some early Crusaders for our club games. It was quite nice to paint some fighters for Levant for variation to olive drab and field grey. And of course thy are most heroic and fun to paint as such.
Napoleonic s
During the year I also added some units for my 15mm Napoleonic collection. There were start of the Poles and some additions for French and Russian armies as well as troop of Dutch cavalry. But nothing much. Maybe I go back to painting Poles on 2016 if and when our Leipzig project proceeds.
Back to modern
On the previous year modern miniatures returned back on the program as we started once again Force on Force gaming on the club. Also nothing big only few units of Rhodesian native infantry and generic military police or
Gaming and events
game of Bolt a week was normal pace. We also arranged two BA gaming days on our club where clubs Bolt gamers get together to have a game and a talk. New gamer were also initiated to beloved game of Bolt. Bolt Action was also presented to public on Tabletop Gaming Day and on big event Suuri Snadi.
many fights of French against Russia until we reached Borodino. That was one of the largest games this year. Some six thousand figures on table. A game that lasted full 11 hours and almost wasted me. Great fun. There was also another big one, Waterloo refight later summer.
During last year I tried some new games for medieval gaming. Deus Vult, Saga/Crescent & Cross and Lion Rampart were on the table, so to say. Deus Vult is promising, not many games though. Lion Rampart was nice and easy with no special gimmicks. As Saga is too full of those gamey features, and is not in my taste.
Last year we went once again to Hamburg Tactica to participate weekend gaming event. Absolutely my favorite two day happening in nice and friendly atmosphere. Lots to see and experience and loads of inspiration to be taken back home. It will be on the schedule this year too.
Thoughts for the next year
year and quite amount of figures got ready for games, some just got stored to wait the game to appear. Now looking back the year, I painted almost evert day when I was at home. Painting sessions were from quick hour up to six hour sits during weekends, so sometimes my painting pipeline got empty. This was remedied by ordering quickly more.
As I have many times pointed I'm more of a painter and modeler than gamer. I really enjoy painting nice figures on highest standard I can reach. I go for quality and detail more than speed, so I could spend some time with interesting figure getting it more and more detailed. I still haven't counted how many figures got painted this year, but I believe something around 350 - 400. Or should I say, I figure per day.
Well, this was my year of miniatures. Now toward the next...
Well done Juha. I'm sure 2016 will be even bigger.
VastaaPoistaThank's Spyros! I really don't know could it be bigger, if I don't quit my day job ;)
PoistaLooks like you had a great year Juha. Im looking forward to pick up on our games with French / Blitzkrieg Germans again this year.
VastaaPoistaA good year it was. Yes we should go back to early war fights. Now I have those motorcycle boys to join the fight.